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  Á¦Á¶»ç¸í : Jujuroo
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  È¨ÆäÀÌÁö : http://www.jujuroo.co.kr

JujuRoo water carrier, for baby AND you!

About Jujuroo

Julia, a mom of four, was tired of having to rely on others so she could take a shower. She came up with the idea of creating a shower carrier so she could safely and efficiently shower with her baby. Not only was the carrier great for the shower, but also great for use in the pool. Juju Roo is in the process of creating an organic or recycled mesh Shower Carrier, as Julia places great importance on these products. Julia looks forward to growing a reputable company that produces innovative and quality products to help parents and their little ones.

Copyright JUJUROO 2013. All rights reserved.
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Naul lnc. F525 Misacentumbiz B/D 45 Jojeong-daero, Hanam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
(ÁÖ)³ª¿ï. °æ±âµµ Çϳ²½Ã Á¶Á¤´ë·Î 45 ¹Ì»ç¼¾ÅÒºñÁî F525
TEL : +82-2-718-6513 FAX : +82-2-718-6514 E-mail :  naullnc@gmail.com  µµ¸Å¹®ÀÇ 02-718-3009
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